

Sapphire comes in many colors except, of course, red, also known as “ruby.” But without a color indication, “Sapphire” refers to Blue Sapphire. Within blue, there are many variations from lighter to darker shades some with a hint of grey. 

Blue Sapphire gemstones set the standard by which other blue stones are measured. Their breathtaking blue and radiance have captured our imagination for millennia. As one of the “big three” precious stones, Sapphire’s many, many fans reach far beyond September birthdays and 45th anniversaries. 

History links Blue Sapphire gemstones to royalty as far back as Solomon who wore a Sapphire ring. That’s probably why Sapphire is associated with wisdom. Kings and Queens treasured its dazzling shade, believing Sapphires protected them from harm and envy. And in the Middle Ages, the high clergy wore Blue Sapphire gemstones to symbolize heaven. It’s possible they also wore them because Sapphires are beautiful, and they were wealthy enough to afford them.

Sapphire is said to bring spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. Those are priceless gifts, but Sapphire does more. It imparts wisdom, insight, and discernment to choose rightly when faced with obstacles and difficult situations. But that’s not all. Sapphire has the power to make peace between warring parties.

Today’s natural healers promote Sapphire for its positive effect on a variety of health issues— everything from hearing problems and inflammation to burns and cancer. And its calming effect soothes a mind fighting depression and brings joy to the wearer to those lucky customers who wear it.