New August Birthstone

New August Birthstone

August babies now have another gemstone choice.  Spinel has just been announced as a new August birthstone by the The American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) and Jewelers of America.

Spinel is often found in shades of deep red and pink and some of the most famous historic gemstones that were originally thought to be rubies are actually spectacular spinels. Spinel has been a longtime favorite of the serious gem collector, due to its incredible brilliance, outstanding durability and wide array of colors.

Making spinel even more attractive is its surprising affordability, often attributed to the general public’s lack of awareness of the gemstone. For those looking for an alternative to higher priced rubies and sapphires, spinel may be the best choice. Spinel comes in a variety of vibrant colors from soft pastel shades of pink and purple, fiery oranges, and cool hues ranging from powdery gray to the most intense blues imaginable. Spinel is a truly magnificent beauty just waiting to be discovered by today’s savvy gem connoisseur!